Dear friends,
Hello, hi, how are you ?
I am writing to you while I should actually finishing my painting (I really need to finish it today and it is already more than 6pm - and I will not be able to draw much after 7pm... please wish me luck ♥).
I am so sorry I am only writing now, I meant to write another blog post much earlier but then I got all caught up with all my work and summery things to do (I still want to try and enjoy some of my life while my region is not drowning under rain or snow !). First of all, I really, really wanted to thank those of you who took the time to post a comment on the last blogpost. I know this blog is not very active, and thus not many people write comments (which is totally normal, and I myself almost never write comments on blogs contrary to social medias), but it was so encouraging to see some of you from Instagram around here !
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My little plant is growing next to the window, so happy ! |
Oh, wait, a music came up from my Spotify playlist and I actually do not like it this much (then why is it in my playlist ? I have no idea my friends !). There, I just changed it and it is much better. The window is open and a tiny bit of fresh air is coming to me. I love heat, I really do, and I will probably never understand the people who are so unhappy about warmth when it is summer (and in my opinion summer is made for heat), but I must admit that some fresh air from time to time helps me stay alive too :-) Anyway, I am mumbling way too much here ! Please excuse me.
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All the weird little pieces of paper on my wall - they inspire me always ! |
I actually don't have many exciting things to share around here, as I mostly spend my time painting things I cannot really show yet (but anyway, I am sharing two pictures of a tiny tiny fragment of the projects with you because it just makes me so happy to share these things with all of you !). I just felt like showing my desk a little bit (I am always really shy about showing my desk because it is messy 99% of the time and it is nothing fancy - I am dreaming of having one of these brights, white, clean, organised, wonderful desks and studios filled with awesome art supplies someday, maybe if I win the lottery haha !). But anyway, this is where most of my life happens these days so this is what I wanted to share with you? My little wall filled with silly little pieces of paper that make me happy, my Beatles poster (♥), and all the messy world of paint on it. Right next to the window, where I can hear the cars passing by and the people talking at the bar accross the street.
Please, please let me know : where do you feel most comfortable for working / drawing / writing / doodling / creating (or even sleeping if this is what you prefer doing !). I would love to know about it, it is always really interesting to know where the magic happens :-)
Also, I was thinking maybe next time, as some of you suggested in the comments (and in my Q&A on Instagram), I might share some children's books I really like and feel inspired by ? Would you like that ? Let me know :-)
And then you can tell me which ones are YOUR favourites and we can all exchange great titles and authors and illustrators to read and it would be awesome ♥
I am getting weird again (probably the heat plus the hours painting tiny flowers got my brain melted) - so I am going to stop now before it becomes too awkward and wish you a very beautiful, happy, sweet evening (or even morning or afternoon !).
Thank you for your love and support, always,
They mean the work to me.
They really do.
All my love,
PS : I am sorry I could not publish this article right away after I wrote it, I did not find time to process the pictures until now ! So it is a bit late, but here it is anyway, I figured it would be better to publish it now than never :-)
Hey, Cécile!
RépondreSupprimerIt is nice to be here again 😊
Loved to see where you work and where the magic happens haha (i like to see where people work too).
I have a wall in my room filled with things to inspire me as well. Love to hang things on the wall, in my room/studio. When i lived with my parents, i had to do all the things i like in my bedroom (it was tiny haha). And now i’m grateful to have a room just to work and do whatever i want, separated from where i sleep. I think it became more productive and organized.
I really wanted to be able to draw anywhere. Go outside, or in a coffee house and just draw. But i simply can’t. 😓 maybe it is because i need to stay in my comfort zone… i think i just need to go and do it, without being afraid or something like that.
Yay! I would love to see your children’s books. In my last comment i shared with you some books we have here in brazil. Hope you like it 😊 i don’t know if you can purchase them abroad, but at least you can know some of our good brazilian illustrators.
Thanks for your post and your inspiring photos, as always 💛
Hope you have a nice and warm day, filled with flowers and dandelions (i love them).
Hello dear Juliana,
SupprimerI am sooo happy to read from you here again ! I cannot believe you actually saw this post as I did not take the time to share it anywhere, I thought it would just get lost in the Internet ocean, but I am so glad you catched it and took the time to write such a kind, inspiring comment ♥
I just read all of your recommandations in your comment on my previous post,and I am so excited to look for them all ! Thank you for taking the time to give me all these names, I truly appreciate it :D Now I have some things to distract me and inspire me when I need a break from painting ! And I will be thinking of you while i look for them ;)
I totally understand when you say you only feel comfortable drawing at your desk, it is the same for me when I have to make "proper" illustrations - I am comfortable sketching and doodling outside, but very lightly, with a couple of pens and pencils, not with watercolour and all the big stuff ! I think it is very good to get out of our comfort zone sometimes, but also to go back to it regularly, to be able to create quietly and properly. So I totally share your views (and having your own "studio room" sounds awesome !!! I am still working either in the same table where I eat or in the same room where I sleep, and having a proper working space sounds like a dream haha ^^)
Thank you again and again, you are such a kind person and I am so glad we get to have these little chats !
I hope you have a very happy day and very good food as well (I love having good food so I love wishing this to other people as well, I hope you like it too haha :D )
Take care of yourself,