Dear friends,
How are you today ? This is such a beautiful Friday and I am very excited for the weekend to come. I still have some things to work on today but I think today will be much more quiet than the rest of the week.
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Look at this gorgeous light ! |
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And at this gorgeous view from the window :-) |
It has been ages since I last posted something here (I mean, I did post the link to my video some months ago, but apart from this it has been a really long time !). To be honest, I am not so good at writing. It is funny because I used to write A LOT when I was younger, in high school. I think I was actually spending more time writing than drawing by that time. I was writing ton of little stories, short stories, even started a novel (and only wrote 20 pages haha, but I really had the whole thing planned in my head - and it is still there, I must say I still like the idea !). But I don't know, I lost the habit of writing somewhere in between the pass of the day.
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Just wanted to show you my cat sleeping on the floor because she is really cute and she melts my heart |
This is why I never really knew what to actually do with this blog. I would love to post more drawings, but isn't Instagram much more practical and easier to use for this ? I don't believe people would come here just to see drawings they might as well see when they scroll down Instagram.
So I thought to be interesting, this blog should only have amazing beautiful inspired useful articles. And of course, I cannot write amazing beautiful inspired useful articles. So I tried some times but gave up eventually, just coming back once in a while to check in !
But some days ago, I realised when I posted some stories on Instagram and got a chance to chat with so many of you there, that actually this is such an interesting part of social media : not only show my work there (even if of course this is the biggest aspect of it), but also interacting with you friends, and learning from our conversations. This just makes me so happy ! It might sound weird, but it feels like I have friends all over the world to exchange with about illustration and art - I never actually had real life friends who were interested in illustration ! All of my friends are following their own beautiful paths, but none of them likes drawing really. So I have always been dreaming of meeting someone who would share my love for drawing and illustration, with whom I could talk for hours about colours, shapes, paints, and our favourite children's books illustrators. With whom I could sit in a café and draw together for a whole afternoon, and spend time at the bookshop hunting little treasures in the chilren's book section. Well friends, I feel like you are that kind of friends to me ! Even if of course we cannot sit at a café or go to bookshops, we can talk a lot about art and illustration, and little everyday life things that inspire us... and this is so amazing to me !
I don't want to talk for too long here because I am afraid it might get boring at some point (please don't run away friends, I am talkative when I write - I am not s much when I speak hahaha - but I promise I will try my best to keep it... "kind of" short :-) ). So here I just wanted to share these thoughts with you, and little bits of my quiet morning here, next to the window, painting my little bear character for probably the last time (I finished my bear book in February but I am painting an extra illustration for a print the publisher is going to give away with pre-orders !).
What if this blog could actually become this, nothing fancy but a space where we can talk and exchange even more in depth than on Instagram ? As much as I love IG, it is not the most practical when it gets to long posts or messages, because it is made to be fast and quick and easy and for people not to spend too much time reading my silly thoughts !
So let me know what you think dear friends,
I would love to know if you feel like this could be a good idea :-)
I hope you have a beautiful, sunny day (and even if it is not sunny, a funny and happy one !) ♥
All the love from my watercolour palette,
See you soon !
PS : I just discovered how to add grain to my pictures and I believe it must be quite a "hipster" thing to do, but I can't help, I just love it so much ! I find the pictures look so charming like that hahaha - is it too much, too unatural ? Please let me know what you think about these hipster grainy photos !
Oh this is so good �� i loved the photos and i don't think it is unatural. They're beautiful. I like Instagram a lot, but i would love to see your texts up here too. So please, continue whenever you can �� i really like to talk about illustration and children's books too haha. They're my favorite section at the bookstore. And i have more children's books than others here at home �� i just love them! And here at Brazil, publishers are giving a lot of attention to the illustrations and editions. And they're creating a lot of good stuff. I thank them for that haha ��
RépondreSupprimerI hope you have a nice weekend! Sunny and a little warm just like here today ����
Oh Juliana I am so happy to see you here ! Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a comment ! I was hoping someone would actually think it is a good idea to share more things here, so I am really glad you are the first one here haha ^_^ And I unfortunately don't have much culture about the children literature in Brazil but now you make me want to know much more ! Would you have some brazilian books or children authors/illustrators to recommend ? I would love to check them !!
SupprimerI hope you have a very beautiful day, here it is ending (around 6.30pm) and the kitchen smells like apricot pie - can't wait for dinner haha !! Enjoy a beautiful weekend my dear ♥
Between the intricate, patient details of the flows of your sketchbook, to your heartwarming words and then to the photo of Ficelle who's the cutest cotton ball, this post is nothing short of uplifting <3 This is a wonderful idea, I eagerly await the next one✽✿❃❀
SupprimerOoooh hahaha thank you Michelle for such a sweet comment, you made me smile and happy ! And I can't belive you remember the name of my cat ♥ She is very rude sometimes and always grumpy, be she is joining me to send you lots of love from France :-)
SupprimerHi, Cécile! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer you! It's been a little caotic around here... 😅
SupprimerWe have some good illustrators and books. Check the work of Anna Cunha (@anna_cunha) I think her work is inspiring. She has some books with her illustrations published, and they are sooo beautiful 💛 I really love the book "Trem Bala".
I also like the work of Bruna Assis Brasil (@brunaassisbrasil). She blends different kinds of textures and elements in her illustrations.
And I admire the work of Odilon Moraes. I really love the books: "Ismália" and "Pedro e Lua".
If you Google their names and the title of the books, you can see how they're inside.
Hope you like it and get inspired by them as much as I do 😊
Loved the apricot pie smell you send me haha 💙
Enjoy your week!
I very much know the feeling of finding some new way of editing photos and just loving every single picture I edit. My guilty pleasure is light leaks, which I never post because I feel like people would judge me �� Which is silly, but, embrace the grainyness! Enjoy it, use it, post it, because it's what YOU love, and that is what is most important! ❤️
RépondreSupprimerAnd I love the idea of writing longer things back and forth ❤️ And that you have a blog! I didn't know until today. I have one too but I haven't posted since January or something ��
Hugs, enlitenkoppte on Instagram ��
Oh hello my dear, I am so glad to see you here ♥ It really means a lot that you took the time to click the link, read my mumbling and leave such a sweet comment !
SupprimerAnd I totally relate to what you wrote about the picture editing, there are so many "hipster" thingies I love to add to pictures and never dared to share or show to people (even to friends or family hahaha) because I am too ashamed to actually like it !
But well you are totally right, the most important is just to do what you love and what makes you happy ♥
I am sending you all the love and thank you for sticking around always, it really means the world !
I must say I love every single thing there haha I'm sorry I wrote to much to you but honestly can't help �� I've read your blog about a year ago and am so delighted seeing you back to writing. And it might be silly to say it but I can feel this blog post, like I could see me myself there in every lines. It's very inspired! Please this pretty idea to be done regularly ��
RépondreSupprimerOh thank you so so much ! ♥
SupprimerYou are really sweet and I am very happy you like the blog !
I am sending you all the love and sunset colours :-)